Hi Everyone …!

My name is Hugues Belanger, I’m a 45 y/o man from Canada that finally decide to put a few words on the web, although I’ve worked as an IT consultant for many years and setup countless servers for that purpose.

As the title says I’m starting this site to discuss my experiences in renewable energy for the common mortal. My efforts are to show everyone with a limited budget, knowledge and tools how to get started generating useful energy that can be use while camping, or to supply lights and power a few appliances at a cabin or cottage.

I will not discuss expensive commercial type of configuration at this time as I have zero hands one experience with installation that generates more then a few kilo watts but I sure hope that I will one day soon.

Ok Enough blah, blah, blah as you will see I’m a man of few words and rather spend my time doing it than talking about it. So I will start with a few pictures of my pass projects and give you some interesting links to wet your whistle….!

This is my DIY charge controller
Click here to see more Pictures 

At first it might look complicated, but in reality it’s quite simple. The controller is the board with the two LED’s it simply switched a 40 amps car relay to either the battery bank or a dump load which is needed if you plan to generate power with a wind turbine. More on that later.

This project includes a battery meter, called a Bat-O-meter. I found the article on the net a long time ago and can’t seem to locate it any more I do how erver have it in PDF let me know if you want a copy.  I also added a selectable dump loads one for summer (AC fan) and one for winter which will be a homemade DC heater if I find the time to build one.

The controller construction information can be found  at the designers site mdpub.com and  a video of the controller in action can be seen on youtube …!

That’s it for now I’ll have lot more to chat about soon as I get more familiar with WordPress and organize my material a little better to share with you.

If you build/designed a charge controller similar or better then this one feel free to share your experience with me or just wish to comment on this post please go ahead.
I love to share and chat…!

You can also check my other projects in the gallery 

Hugues Belanger